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PC / Computer StatsUploads to this Console RSS Feed
Sounds 20,601
Games 1,669
Biggest Game SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays (361 sounds)
Biggest Submitter Cooper B. Chance (4,310 sounds)
Most Popular Games (All Time)
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
Most Popular Games (This Month)
Half-Life 2 & Episodes
Half-Life 2 & Episodes
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Recently Uploaded Sounds
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Toya - Crew Tales
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Quentin - Crew Tales
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Suleidy - Crew Tales
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Theresa - Crew Tales
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Theresa - Voice Lines
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Zagan - Voice Lines
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Quentin - Voice Lines
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Virgilio - Voice Lines
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