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SNES StatsUploads to this Console RSS Feed
Sounds 138
Games 75
Biggest Game Joe and Mac: Caveman Ninja (14 sounds)
Biggest Submitter Shiruba (41 sounds)
Most Popular Games (All Time)
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 6
Star Fox / Star Wing
Star Fox / Star Wing
Most Popular Games (This Month)
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Mega Man X
Mega Man X
Recently Uploaded Sounds
Super Mario All-Stars Sound Effects
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Ms. Pac-Man
F-Zero SFX Set
Virtual Bart Homer Simpson
Virtual Bart Bart Simpson
Virtual Bart Others
Mega Man X3 Everything
Gemfire / Super Royal Blood Sound Effects
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