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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Gender Specific Voices

Ancient Characters

Felldir the Old |
Gormlaith Golden-Hilt |
Hakon One-Eye |
Svaknir |
Tsun |
Daedric Princes

Azura |
Boethiah |
Clavicus Vile |
Hermaeus Mora |
Hircine |
Malacath |
Mehrunes Dagon |
Mephala |
Meridia |
Molag Bal |
Namira |
Nocturnal |
Peryite |
Sheogorath-Jyggalag |
Vaermina |
Other Characters


Alduin |
Dragon Priest |
Dragonborn Guardians |
Draugr |
Dremora |
Durnehviir |
Ghost (Female) |
Ghost (Male) |
Hagraven |
Karstaag |
Odahviing |
Paarthurnax |
Riekling |
Sahloknir |
Passive Creatures

Barbas the Dog |
Stray Dogs |

Decorations |
Doors |
Dragon Shouts |
Footsteps |
Items |
Weapons |
Console | Genre |
PC / Computer | Action RPG |
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